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Mala ketting: dit is hoe 108 magische kralen je leven veranderen

Holy Crap
Manipura Mala
Manipura Mala


Ze zijn stylish and sustainable en hebben nog magische krachten ook die jou verbinden met je hogere zelf. De mala kettingen van Manipura-mala-maker Tati Hacmon zijn beroemd vanwege hun superpowers en elegantie. Elke Mala heeft 108 kralen volgens de heilige Tibetaanse traditie. De gebedsketting support je tijdens een meditatie practice of helpt je om bepaalde intenties te verankeren. Dit is het verhaal van Tati, de dappere vrouw met Russische roots die bij ons de ‘Soul Jewelry’ introduceerde. 

Mala ketting: dit is hoe 108 magische kralen je leven veranderen

Manipura MalaTati is a mother, wife of Asaf, spiritual wanderer and a devoted Mala Maker. All these titles make her founder of a beautiful design brand called MANIPURA. Tati hand-makes what she calls Soul-Jewelry: inspirational items of beauty that are charged with powerful intentions. Her expertise is Malas, but she also makes bracelets, rings and crystal infused water bottles. Tati hand-picks gemstones for their unique qualities and knots them by hand 108 times, adding a sacred meaning to infuse one’s practice. Each item is not only beautiful, but also a tactile reminder of the heart’s wishes.

Why is a Mala more than just a beautiful necklace?

Tati: A Mala is a sacred Necklace. It is made of 108 beads traditionally used as a tactile meditation tool helping us to recite mantras, affirmations, intentions or wishes. This special necklace of string and beads provides us with many opportunities to learn and grow, whether as a tool in meditation, or as a daily reminder of our intentions, simply by wearing it. Mala beads encourage a calmer mind, body and soul. They offer protection and comfort, while reminding us of daily mindfulness. Wearing a Mala for me is simply a subtle daily reminder that I am walking my path, consciously and intentionally.

Manipura Mala

How do you use a Mala in your spiritual practice?

Tati: I often use spiritual affirmations, much like mantras, in my meditation practice, as I pass beads through my fingers. While practicing mantras does not require a Mala, it is a very helpful kinaesthetic counting device, making sure I complete 108 recitations in each cycle. It also adds a tactile dimension to my practice, with the sensation of beads between the fingers, keeping me present in the moment. Bead by bead, like the steps on a stairway, attuning myself to a more spiritual awareness. Such regular practice enables me to experience the present moment more fully, and make conscious choices instead of falling into habitual reactions.

Why are there exact 108 beads in a Mala?

Tati: There are many theories behind the significance of the number 108. There are even 108 reasons why this number is considered sacred in the yoga tradition. Some examples include the 108 energy lines in Chinese medicine, 108 names of the Goddesses, or the diameter of the Sun being 108 times the diameter of the Earth. Impressive, isn’t it?  My favourite interpretation so far is the one where each number has its specific meaning: 1 stands for union (yoga), non-duality of the universe and your highest truth. 0 stands for emptiness of ego and humility in spiritual practice. And 8 stands for the infinity of the soul and timelessness. I see these as powerful reminders.

Manipura Mala

How do you choose your personal Mala?

Tati: Searching for the perfect Mala to fit your spiritual practice, as well as your style, can be confusing. The search starts with stones, colours, and intentions, and ends with the right affirmations or mantras. Whether choosing a Mala for oneself, or for loved ones, intuition plays a big part in this process. Its important to feel a sense of connection, a fit, between the energy of the stones and that of the person. From my personal experience as Mala Maker; the Mala chose us. The one you are drawn to without even realizing it, is very often YOUR Mala. By listening to your intuition, and later understanding the stones’ true meaning, you can find the Mala that is most needed in your present life. I advise to my clients, after getting a new Mala, to wear it for 40 days to form a connection with it. Very often a most natural ritual will be magically created. You may find yourself associated with the energy and aura of the beads, feeling a sense of protection, confidence, and strength throughout the entire day.

Manipura Mala

What makes Manipura Malas so unique?

Tati: Manipura Malas are timeless, radiant and built to last. Aesthetically speaking, our Malas are not only gorgeous, but also full of presence. We offer unique and innovative designs that blend together stones and colors, in harmony that is both aesthetically and energetically pleasing. On the quality side, we hand-make everything in Europe with the highest standards. We hand-pick only natural gemstones that are nearly flawless in structure and sparkle. After years of craftsmanship we learned how to make Malas that last long. Since we make everything by hand, we can afford to use only the highest quality European grade materials, such as incredibly strong thread we use, our organic glue, and unique tassel. People often find that, when cared for, our Malas still look fresh and timeless after years of wearing. But even more importantly, what makes our Malas special is that they are soaked in energy and intention. We spend nearly two hours making one Mala, knotting by hand each bead separately into a bigger story that the Mala is meant to tell.

Manipura Mala

Do you have a Mala meditation practice?

Tati: Mantra meditation is a wonderful practice to tune into the stillness within us and setting our conscious thoughts right there. Here’s my Mala meditation practice:
1. Choose a quite spot and sit comfortably with your spine straight and your eyes closed. Take few slow, deep breaths, and then relax your breath completely to its natural rhythm.
2. Select a favorite word, phrase, prayer, or fragment of a poem that touches you. Ideally, a mantra is composed of only a few words or syllables, so you can repeat it easily, without getting lost in a long phrase.
3. Use this chosen mantra for the practice, chanting silently. As thoughts arise, simply return to your mantra, knowing this is a natural part of the process. Gently bring your attention back again and again, experiencing the internal sound as fully as possible.
4. Hold your Mala in your right hand, draped between your middle and index fingers. Starting at the guru bead, use your thumb to pass each bead, pulling it toward you as you recite your mantra. Do this 108 times, traveling around the Mala, until you once again reach the guru bead. If you want to continue the meditation, instead of passing over the guru bead, simply reverse direction and begin again.
5. Continue for the period of time you set aside for meditation. Come out of the meditation by taking a few deep breaths and then sitting quietly to see what you feel. Regardless of your immediate reaction, take comfort in knowing that regular practice has immense benefits.

Wij hebben onze 8 mooiste en meest krachtige Mala’s van Tati geselecteerd en die verkopen we vanaf vandaag ook in de Holistik webshop. Benieuwd naar de Holistik X Manipura Mala selectie? Check onze webshop. 

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